Placing the RIGHT candidate in the RIGHT seat!

No time to find the right candidate?

No people to scale your business?

No excuse to NOT be recruiting!

Jamie will help you find the best candidate for your SALES AND MANAGEMENT teams.



The Onboarding Process

Jamie’s spends the time with you and your team to gain CLARITY on the position you need to fill and the team’s ideal candidate. Jamie takes a deep dive to understand the needs of your company so she can find the best fit for you! .


The Search Begins

Jamie will use your existing job description or create one for you. Once the search begins for your DREAM TEAM she will screen resumes, interview candidates and only put forth those final contenders for your team’s review. Working with your team, Jamie can customize her process to meet the needs of your team!

Step 3:

The Final Selection

Jamie only recommends candidates that she feels would be an incredible fit for you and your team. By removing all of the screening and only sending you FINAL CANDIDATES you save time and energy on the search.

Step 4:

The Handoff

The perfect candidate has been selected and Jamie passes along onboarding and training to your HR and Training department. Your team BREATHES A SIGH OF RELIEF knowing the best candidate has been selected and help has arrived.


Overworked, overwhelmed and need support in your organization?

If you don’t have the time to recruit for the key sales team and managers for your business…

Jamie can help!

Work with Jamie to build your DREAM TEAM with no effort on your end.


Get help now! Jamie will work with you and your team to find the best candidate for your open positions.


Help clear your plate by adding Jamie as a key member to your team. Find out more about Jamie.

Schedule a complimentary discovery call to discuss how Jamie support your sales and management recruiting.